17.6 S31 ASY Interface Speed
Units: N/A
Default: 0
Range: 0-11
Register S31 is used to set the speed and data format for the ASY port to which you are currently
The default value for ASY 0 is 0, i.e. the port speed/data format is not set to a speci
c value, it is
determined automatically from the AT commands that you enter.
The default value for ASY 1, 2 and 3 is 3, i.e. the ports will only accept AT commands at 115,200bps
(8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit).
To set the speed of one of the ports to a to a particular value, the appropriate register should be set to
the required value from the following table: For example, to change the speed of ASY 1 to 38,400bps,
connect your terminal to that port with the speed set to 9600bps. Enter the command:
Port Speed (bps)
Port Speed (bps)
0 Auto-detect
6 19,200
1 Reserved
7 9,600
2 Reserved
8 4,800
3 115,200
9 2,400
4 57,600
5 38,400
then change the speed of your terminal to 38,400bps before entering any more AT commands.
The data format used when the ATS31=n command is entered is selected as the data format for all
further commands.
The auto-detect option is only available for ASY0 and ASY1.
17.7 S33 DTR Dialling
Units: N/A
Default: 0
Range: 0, 1
S33 is used to enable or disable DTR dialling for the port. When DTR dialling is enabled, the unit will
dial the number stored for that port (see AT&Z when the DTR signal from the terminal changes from
Off to On.
17.8 S45 DTR Loss De-Bounce
Units: N/A
Default: 5
Range: 1-255
The value in S45 determines the length of time for which the DTR signal from the terminal device
must go off before the unit acts upon any options that are set to trigger on loss of DTR. Increasing or
decreasing the value in S45 makes the unit less or more sensitive to “bouncing” of the DTR signal