Page LOF-1
FCC and Product labels on right side of ProtectLink BDA
FCC warning labels on signal booster
ProtectLink VHF-UHF Bi-Directional Amplifier labels for UHF model 1-8
ProtectLink VHF-UHF Bi-Directional Amplifier labels for VHF model 1-8
BDA Remote Annunciator product label
External configuration of the VHF-UHF Bi-Directional Amplifier
Bottom views of the VHF-UHF Bi-Directional Amplifier
View of the open ProtectLink BDA cabinet
Signal Booster Mounting brackets (circled)
Antenna ports on a 4-port model
GUI port for Ethernet connection
Emergency Power Off connections
Conduit fittings and plugged cable ports
Bottom ports with conduit fittings
Battery cable connections to signal booster
Connections to the Remote Annunciator
ProtectLink BDA interior features
List of Figures