7. Setting of parameters
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– TW-31-E - V1.9 - 06.04.2021
to section 7.6:
Level “Hardware configuration” (A- parameters)
Output signal configuration alarm
A45 Configuration alarm output in general
0: closing contact, alarm if closed
1: closing contact, alarm if open (power failsafe)
2: opening contact, alarm if closed (power failsafe)
3: opening contact, alarm if opened
0 .. 3
A46 Configuration alarm output tank monitor
0: closing contact, alarm if closed
1: closing contact, alarm if open (power failsafe)
2: opening contact, alarm if closed (power failsafe)
3: opening contact, alarm if opened
0 .. 3
A47 Configuration ‚Reset external alarm light‘
0: Reset after cleaning
1: Reset via reset button
0 .. 1
Configuration temperature sensor
A50 Activation of second sensor
0: deactivated
1: Safety temperature sensor
0 .. 1
A51 Sensor type
(Sensor 1 / sensor 2)
0: KTY81/210
1: PT100 three-wire
2: PT1000
3: KTY81/110
0 .. 3
Configuration of external modules
A71 Activation agitator monitoring
see section 8.12
0 .. 15
0: deactivated
1: one agitator at ESVAW-001-A or ESVAW-004-A
2: two agitators at ESVAW-001-A or ESVAW-004-A
3: without function
4: without function
5: Deleting the range
(the number of agitators has to be reset after range deleting)
6: without function
7: without function
8: One agitator over inductive proximity sensor at the
agitator shaft at digital input 3
9: Two agitators over 2 inductive proximity sensors at the
agitator shaft at digital input 3+4
10: Monitoring switch contact agitator at digital input 3
11: Monitoring switch contacts of 2 agitators at digital inputs 3 + 4
12: one 3-phase 400V agitator at ESVAW-003-A
13: two 3-phase 400V agitator at two ESVAW-003-A
14: one 2-phase 400V agitator at ESVAW-003-A
15: two 2-phase 400V agitator at two ESVAW-003-A