2.6.16 Water filter
Mains water contains insoluble salts, which cause the
build-up of lime scale deposits in the boiler and other
parts of the machine.
Drinking water can also contain traces of heavy met-
als and substances, such as chlorine, harmful to health.
The filter makes it possible to eliminate or substan-
tially reduce the presence of these mineral salts.
The cartridge contained in the water filter must be
replaced at the frequency specified by the manufacturer.
For the water filter use and maintenance, follow the provisions in
par. "10.4 Water filter maintenance" on page 51.
2.6.17 Softener
The resin softener can be used as an alternative to
the water filter.
This component has the property of retaining the
calcium contained in the water. For this reason, the resins
become saturated after a certain period and must be
regenerated with coarse kitchen salt (NaCl, sodium chlo-
ride) or special water softening salt. It is very important
to regenerate the softener within the established times.
However, in locations where water is very hard, it will be
necessary to regenerate it more frequently. The same is
true of places in which there is a large consumption of
hot water for tea or other uses.
For the softener use and regeneration, follow the provisions in
par. "10.5 Softener regeneration" on page 53.