The main steps to start up the SSW900 soft-starter in Modbus TCP network are described below. These steps
represent an example of use. Check out the specific chapters for details on the indicated steps.
1. Install the communication accessory, as indicated in the installation guide supplied with the accessory.
2. With the module installed, during the recognition stage, the MS and NS LEDs test routine will be performed.
After this stage, the MS LED must turn on in green.
3. Observe the content of parameter S5.5.1. Check if the module was recognized. The detection is done auto-
matically and does not require the user’s intervention.
4. Connect the cables, considering the recommended instructions in network installation, as described in item 3.5:
Use shielded cable.
Properly ground network equipment.
Avoid laying communication cables next to power cables.
1. Follow the recommendations described in the user manual to program the device parameters related to the
motor parameterization, desired functions for the I/O signals, etc.
2. Program the command sources as desired for the application in menu C3.
3. Configure communication parameters, such as DHCP, IP address, communication rate, etc. in C8.3.
4. Configure the timeout for the Modbus TCP communication in C8.3.9.3.
5. Program the desired action for the equipment in case of communication fault in C8.3.9.
6. Define which data will be read and written at soft-starter SSW900, based on its parameter list. It is not necessary
to define I/O words. The Modbus TCP protocol enables direct access to any device parameter, and does not
distinguish between cyclic and acyclic data. Nevertheless, data exchange areas can be configured via menu
C8.1 (see item 6.2.2). Among the main parameters that can be used to control the device, we can mention:
S5.1.1 Status Word SSW (read)
S5.2.5 Command Word Slot1 (write)
S5.2.6 Command Word Slot2 (write)
7. Once the parameters are set, if any of the parameters described in the previous steps were changed, the
equipment must be powered off and on again, or an update must be performed by C8.3.1.
The way the network configuration is done depends greatly on the used client and the configuration tool. It is essential
to know the tools used to perform this activity. In general, the following steps are necessary to perform the network
1. Configure the client to access the holding registers, based on the defined equipment parameters to read and
write. The register address is based on the parameter’s network address (Net Id), as shown in Appendix A.
2. It is recommended that reading and writing are done in a cyclic manner, allowing detection of communication
errors by timeout. The period of data update must be in accordance with the value programmed in parameter
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