WebEye E10/E104
WebEye E10/E104
User’s Guide
Channel selection
It is to select channels to monitor. User may select a certain channel or all 4 channels (WebEye E10:
between 2 channels).
User may select a level of resolution among 5 levels (720x486, 720x243, 360x243, 180x121,
90x60). High-resolution image is big, and it is transmitted at slow speed.
User sees image in different sizes from 1X to 4X. However, Expansion (2X to 4X) does not
increase image’s resolution, but rather enlarges its size. Therefore, the quality of extended image is
not as clear as original one.
Frame rate
User chooses image transmission speed. If you choose ‘F astest’, you can get images at fastest speed
under your network environment. The transmission speed depends much on network line’ s capacity
and user PC’s performance. WebEye transmits maximum 30 frames per second, and total frames
transmitted by all 4 channels cannot surpass the maximum rate of 30 fps.
(2) Changing with other image viewers
User may monitor real-time image through other viewers such as simple viewer, normal viewer,
server -push viewer, java applet viewer, and snapsho t viewer.
Normal viewer and simple viewer
User can utilize various functions of pan/tilt/zoom control, gray-image transmission mode,
progressive transmission mode, etc. And simple viewer is designed very simple compared to normal
viewer, so the viewer is recommended to a user who uses low speed network line.
Server push viewer
If user’s PC is connected on network where a firewall is, the user may view real time image through
server push viewer. If you access server push viewer, real time images are transmitted through Web
TCP port. So images are to be transmitted at lower frame rate than that of simple viewer or normal
viewer. You may utilize almost the same functions that of normal viewer or simple viewer.
More service
Clicking others menu, user may see explanation on normal, simple, server-push, java applet, and
snap shot viewers. Java applet viewer is for a user who accesses WebEye through a computer that
does not utilize MS Windows OS such as Macintosh computer, etc. And snapshot viewer is to see
still image beforehand accessing WebEye homepage.