In the event that a guard’s Lifeguard Tag has remained submerged beyond the
selected maximum time selected, the system will immediately alert based on the
selected settings (i.e., audible alerts, visual alerts, etc.).
If the app is open and running (recommended) the alert screen above will appear.
After evaluating the circumstances that caused the
Entry Alert, it may be stopped by selecting the
SUPPRESS button. If selected, the app may
request that you select a reason for terminating
the alert.
NOTE: If the Entry Alert is not suppressed the system will remain in alert until the
Lifeguard Tag is removed from the water.
If the app is not readily available and you wish to suppress the alert, you may do so by
pressing the physical SUPPRESS button located on the back of the LEA Hub.
Alternatively you may power down the Hub using the Power Down Process if necessary.
WAVE LEA System User Guide v0922-1.0
Page of
Select reason
the alert.
Select to
suppress alerts.
Select to mute
audio alert.
Future feature.
Address entered
during setup
appears here.
Smith Family Pool
123 Main Street
Smith City, US 55555