Tube removal
Release thetrack by disengaging thesprung track pin and withdrawthetubing from thesprung clamps.
400DM2 and 400DM3 tube check
The 400DM2 and 400DM3 pumpheads are designed to accept three-bridge manifold tubing only. Each
piece of three-bridge manifold tubing has two pumping sections. Reduced flow performance in one
section isa sign of tube wear and should be used asan indicator to switch over to using the second section.
When the switch to the second section is made, check the first section of tubing is not adversely affected by
normallinepressure. If thisisthecasethen thecomplete section of tubing willneed to bereplaced.
400DM2 and 400DM3 tube loading and removal
Over-tightening the sprung track pin can damage the tube and the
Release thetrack by disengaging thesprung track pin.
Locate the firsttube bridge into the appropriate tube bridge holder slot. Feed the tubing in around
the rotor. Locate the centre tube bridge into the bridge holder slot immediately opposite the first
tube bridge. Repeat for the remaining one (400DM2) or two (400DM3) channels. Make sure that
there areno twistsor kinksin thetubing after loading asthiswilladversely affecttube life.