To avoid burn injuries, take great care while performing this
2. Gripping the probe heater as shown, carefully pull it off the probe adapter.
Figure 4–41: Removing the probe heater
Probe heater
To avoid spreading contamination with biologically hazardous, toxic, and
corrosive materials, dispose of all waste materials according to local environmental
3. Dispose of the probe heater in accordance with local environmental regulations.
4.19.2 Fitting the new APCI probe heater
Required materials
• Chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves
• APCI probe heater
To fit the new APCI probe heater:
Take great care not to damage the probe heater’s electrical connections,
capillary sleeve, or capillary when fitting the heater over the capillary sleeve.
1. Carefully slide the probe heater over the capillary sleeve on the probe adapter, ensuring
that the heater is fully seated on the probe adapter.
January 10, 2022, 715006200 Ver. 01 (previously released as Rev. A)
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