To laboratory exhaust port (12-mm OD)
From instrument nitrogen outlet (4-mm nitrogen line)
2. Cut a length of 3/8-inch convoluted tubing long enough to connect the instrument to the
exhaust trap bottle.
3. Connect one end of the tubing to the source exhaust port on the side of the instrument,
and the other end to the correct port on the exhaust trap bottle.
4. Cut a length of 4mm tubing long enough to connect the instrument to the exhaust trap
5. Connect one end of the tubing to the nitrogen outlet port on the side of the instrument and
the other end to the correct port on the exhaust trap bottle.
6. Cut a length of 12-mm tubing long enough to connect the exhaust trap bottle to the
laboratory exhaust system.
7. Insert one end of the tubing into the remaining port on the exhaust trap bottle, and route
the other end to the laboratory exhaust system.
D.5 Connecting liquid waste lines
To ensure that waste materials are safely drained to the waste container, connect the mass
detector’s drain to the waste container.
Required tools and materials
• Chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves
• Waste container
To connect the liquid waste lines:
To avoid personal contamination with biologically hazardous, toxic, and corrosive
materials, wear chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves when performing this procedure.
To avoid spreading contamination with biologically hazardous, toxic, and corrosive
materials, dispose of all waste materials according to local environmental regulations.
To prevent leakage of biologically hazardous, toxic, or corrosive materials:
August 20, 2021, 715005003 Ver. 04 (Previously released as Revision C)
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