3 Maintenance Procedures
September 26, 2013, 715004208 Rev. A
Replacing the accumulator check valve
Required materials
Accumulator check valve assembly
Gloves: clean, powder-free, chemical-resistant
Required tools
1/2-inch, open-end wrench
1/4-inch open-end wrench
5/16-inch, open-end wrench
To replace the accumulator check valve:
1. Flush the ISM with non-hazardous solvent.
2. Power-off the ISM.
Move the solvent bottles to a location below the ISM.
To prevent injury, always observe Good Laboratory Practices
when you handle solvents, change tubing, or operate the ISM. Consult
the Material Safety Data Sheets regarding the solvents you use.
To prevent contamination, wear clean, chemical-resistant,
powder-free gloves when replacing the check valve.