Effective Placement and Orientation of Solar PV Panels
Panel Direction
Face True North
Avoid Shade
Shade Reduces Panel Performance
Panel Tilt
Winter Tilt / Inclination Calculation
Multiply Your Southern Latitude by 0.9 and then add 29°.
Summer Tilt / Inclination Calculation
Multiply Your Southern Latitude by 0.9 and then subtract 23.5°
If this is too much effort or cannot be achieved, (Performance will be compromised) use an Average Inclination 35 to 45
degrees Static
Placement and Volt Drop
Try to keep all the Kit components as close together as possible. As the distance increases between components, so should
the Copper Conducting wires increase. 6mm² to 10mm². (This is the cross-sectional area of copper conductor)
Solar PV Panel/s Mounting Structures
Always use quality materials to secure your solar PV panel/s
Garden Pole
Garden Wall
Garden Shed Wall / Roof
House Wall
House Roof
If placed on roof, keep maintain an air flow space of minimum 50mm. Unnecessary heat build up under the panel
diminishes performance
Solar Charge Controller