Drain GS period:
Drain the grab sample
Init period:
Allows the sensors to adjust to the calibration fluid
Restrict time:
Waltron recommends this set to 0
Stable time:
Allows the sensors to adjust to the calibration fluid
Cond. Time:
Holds the analyzer output value at the last sensor value before initiating
calibration to allow for the sensors to adjust back down to normal operating levels after
running calibration standard through the flow cell.
mV Cal 1:
displays the mV reading of calibration standard 1 from the last calibration
mV Cal 2:
displays the mV reading of calibration standard 2 from the last calibration
Average factor:
increasing the average factor will increase noise dampening and
decrease response time of the analyzer. Waltron recommends Average factor = 30
Sensor data: this is a free text field up to 12 characters. The user may input the date of
exchange of a new sensor, the name of a sensor, etc.
Backlight Off delay:
user may adjust the time the analyzer takes to turn off the
backlight on the display in order to save the life of the HMI screen / save energy. This
may be from 0 min to 120 mins.
The analyzer can be set up to perform an automatic 1-Pt or 2-Pt calibration during a
user-defined period.
A Calibration Fail (CAL FAIL) condition will occur after a 2-Pt calibration if the electrode
response does not meet requirements. This happens when the electrodes “strength”