Calibration Set Up Menu
The Calibration Set Up menu will allow you to make adjustments to automatic
calibration settings. You may choose the frequency of automatic calibration as well as
choose the date and time that the calibration will occur.
Calibration time:
enter the time of the day that you wish the calibration to start in 24
hour format
Sun Mon Tue
… Toggle on or off the day of the week you wish the calibration to occur
Week frequency:
enter how many weeks you would like to elapse between each
calibration (0, 1, 2, 3, o3 4). For example, Week frequency = 2 will set calibration for
every other week, or Week frequency = 4 will set calibration for every 4 weeks. If you
wish to turn automatic calibration off, set Wee frequency = 0. Waltron recommends
week frequency = 1 for optimal performance of your analyzer.
Now week:
this is a counter reflecting which week number the analyzer is on within the
set Week frequency. For example, if the Week frequency = 2 and Now week = 1, then
the calibration will be set to go off the following week.
Standard sol.1:
this should represent the concentration of the low sodium standard and
should be set to 100 ppb
Standard sol.2:
this should represent the concentration of the high sodium standard
and should be set to 1000ppb
Calibration mode:
Toggle between dual calibration (two point) or single calibration
(single point). Waltron recommends dual calibration for optimal accuracy.
To access the Calibration set up menu:
From the Main Menu under service mode, press the “CONFIGURATION” button. Then
press the “CALIBRATION SET UP” button.
General Settings Menu
The General Settings Menu will allow the user to set alarm ranges and time and date.