Using your built-in
answering system and
voicemail service
You can use your answering system and
voicemail service together by setting
your answering system to answer before
voicemail service answers as described
below. To learn how to program your
voicemail settings, contact your
telephone service provider.
If you are on a call, or if the answering
system is busy recording a message
and you receive another call, the second
caller can leave a voicemail message.
Set your answering system to answer
calls at least two rings earlier than
your voicemail service is set to answer.
For example, if your voicemail service
answers after six rings, set your
answering system to answer after four
rings. Some voicemail service providers
may program the delay before answering
calls in seconds instead of rings. In this
case, allow six seconds per ring when
determining the appropriate setting.
Retrieve voicemail from
telephone service
Voicemail is a feature available from
most telephone service providers. It may
be included with your telephone service,
or may be optional. Fees may apply.
Retrieve voicemail
When you received a voicemail, the
handset displays
New voicemail
To retrieve, you typically dial an access
number provided by your telephone
service provider, and then enter a
security code. Contact your telephone
service provider for instructions on how
to configure the voicemail settings and
listen to messages.
Turn off then new voicemail
If you have retrieved your voicemail
while away from home, and the handset
and the telephone base still display
the new voicemail indicators, use this
feature to turn off the indicators.
This feature turns off the indicators only, it
does not delete your voicemail messages.
1. Press
when in idle mode to
enter the main menu.
2. Press or
on the handset, or
on the telephone base to scroll to
, then press
3. Press or
on the handset, or
the telephone base to scroll to
Clear voicemail
, then press
. The screen shows
Reset Voicemail Indication?
4. Press
to turn the voicemail
indication off. There is a confirmation
tone and the screen returns to the
previous menu.
Cell phone voicemail
If you have voicemail service active
on your cell phone, and you do not
answer the incoming cell call, the call
will be answered by your cell phone’s
voicemail. Contact your cell phone
service provider for more information
about voicemail service.