ECU converter PBS Version: 1.3
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Rotation speed monitoring
Thus, the speed is displayed correctly, you have to set the speed display to type: magnet
and gear ratio 1.
31: RPM
value range:
OFF, 20.000 ….99.900 rpm
step size: 100 rpm
1. value = OFF
The current speed is transfer 1 : 1.
If an alert threshold of for example <30,000 rpm is programmed in the transmitter, then the
alarm is already active at the switching on of the turbine and the receiving system. That's
2. value = 35.000rpm (as example)
The speed is transferred to the transmitter divided by a factor of 10. Only in the alarm case,
speeds less than the set value are transferred 1 : 1. The alarm is active AFTER exceeding the
set value.
In the example, the speed monitoring is only activated after exceeding 35,000 rpm. The
actual 40.000rpm are displayed on the transmitter as 4.000rpm, 35,100 as 3.510rpm. If speed
decreases further then 35.000rpm speed transfer is 1 : 1. Has the transmitter an alarm
threshold set to > 15.000rpm, the alarm starts. If turbine speed falls below 15.000rpm - for
example, turbine was switched off, then the alarm stops because speed is now less than the
alarm threshold value.
value range:
2.500 …. 2.600
step size: 10
Here, the sensor ID will be set at which the sensors of VSpeak ECU converter are registered
at Futaba system.
The ID is valid for CUR-F1678, SBS-01RM / O, SBS 01V and the first temperature sensor
The second temperature sensor SBS-01T (EGT), has the sensor ID +1.
A change in the sensor ID can still take place if further SBUS sensors are registered on the
transmitter with randomly the same sensor ID - or even another VSpeak ECU converter, for
example, in a 2- rayed Jet.
41: EGT
Since the Futaba transmitters allow only a maximum alarm value of 200°C for temperature
sensors, there is the possibility to choose between the transmission of EGT value 1 : 1 and
divided by a factor of 10. The latter enables again a meaningful alarm on exceeding the
permissible temperature.