Detailed Descriptions:
Setup Op�ons
Remote Start Control (Bank 3) (Cont.)
See page 23 for Programming Instruc�on.
Feature 18:
Remote Start Lock Control
If desired, set door lock outputs to function before or after remote start.
Setting Choices:
• Option 1 -
Remote Start Lock Control is
• Option 2 -
Doors will
unlock before remote start; lock after remote start
• Option 3 -
Doors will
unlock before remote start
• Option 4 -
Doors will
lock after remote start
Feature 20:
Additional Unlock Pulses
Set other outputs to pulse when the vehicle is unlocked with the remote control.
Setting Choices:
• Option 1 - No
addi�onal unlock pulses.
• Option 2 -
Ignition, Accessory and Ground While Running
wires upon Unlock.
• Option 3 -
Ignition, Accessory, Ground While Running, and Pulse After Shutdown
wires upon unlock.
Feature 19:
Factory Disarm Output Function (BLACK/BLUE)
Set the functionality of the programmable output.
Setting Choices:
• Option 1 -
Sends a
1-second pulse
before start and during Unlock.
• Option 2 -
Sends a
350ms pulse
before start and during Unlock.
• Option 3 -
Sends a
500ms pulse
before start and during Unlock.
• Option 4 -
Sends a
800ms pulse
before start and during Unlock.
• Option 5 -
Sends a pulse
before start
during unlock
based on setting of
Bank 2, Feature 1
Feature 17:
Remote Start Activation
Set remote start to activate with one, two, or three presses from the remote control or pulses detected on
the Dark Blue/Black External Activation Input.
Setting Choices:
• Option 1 -
Press the Start bu�on two (
2) times
for remote start.
• Option 2 -
Press the Start bu�on one (
1) time
for remote start.
• Option 2 -
Press the Start bu�on three (
3) times
for remote start.
Note: Does not apply to 1 Bu�on Transmi�ers.