Assembly instructions VOSSOBW501
SG sensor
, Page 6 of 22
C. Assembly instructions
Use of arrow symbols in pictures:
Indicates special points of interest described in the text.
Indicates required manual actions and their direction.
Indicates operations that should be avoided.
1. Grinding and cleaning of surfaces
Before starting cleaning, make sure that the vehicle is safely parked, the engine of vehicle is turned off (no
voltage on electrical supply lines), and the vehicle axle is in a temperature range of +10 °C to +30 °C
(+50 °F to +86 °F).
Provide the following materials/tools: angel grinder with grain 80, drilling machine with 60 and 120
grain, abrasive paper 120, abrasive paper 240, cleaning cloths, lint-free cloths and cleaning solvent:
a 2-propanol (mixing ratio 1:1).
Use the middle of the axle as assembly area for the VOSS OBW 501
SG sensor
. Minimum
100 mm x 60 mm needed as installation space incl. protection cover. The surface of sensor installation
(ca. 30 mm x 20 mm) has to be grinded flat.
Use gloves, while working. Prepare yourself with further personal protective equipment, if needed
according to local regulations. We recommend wearing working gloves and safety goggles.
Step 1
Before starting the grinding process, area must be free from
grease and release agents.
Polish the surface by using angle grinder with grain 80.
Do not grind an indentation.
Fig. 6: Polishing the surface with grinder