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VPN 98-025/7
Voltech Instruments
For hairdryers incorporating a power range, check the total power range
continuously during a ten-minute observation period. If control switches
have discrete stages all stages shall be tested up to a maximum of 20 stages.
If there are no discrete stages divide the total range into 10 equally spaced
steps. The measurements shall then be made starting with the highest
power stage.
Test conditions for consumer electronics products
For consumer electronic products, only the measurement of dmax is made.
Test conditions for direct water heaters
For direct water heaters without electronic controls evaluate dc only by
switching the heater on and off (sequence 0 - Pmax - 0).
For direct water heaters with electronic controls the output temperature of
the water has to be chosen so that by means of the variation of water flow-
rate all electric power consumption rates between Pmin and Pmax may be
produced. Pmax is defined as the minimum power that can be chosen, and
Pmin > 0 is defined as the minimum power that can be chosen.
NOTE - For some appliances the maximum power Pmax that can be
chosen may be less than the rated power.
The set temperature value shall be kept unchanged during the total test.
Starting from the water-flow rate demand for maximum power
consumption, Pmax, reduce the rate of flow in 20 approximately equal
steps to minimum power consumption, Pmin.
Then, in another 20 approximately equal steps, increase the water flow-rate
to power consumption Pmax. For each of these 40 stages the Pst. i value
shall be evaluated; the measurements start when the steady state is reached,
i.e. about 30 seconds after changing the water flow-rate.
NOTE - It may be sufficient to calculate Pst. i value on the base of a
measurement period of only 1 min.