If the value of the component is within the pre-set limits, both arrow symbols
are visible – not flashing.
For leaving the function, simply press the "HI / Lo LIMITS” button again, the
arrow symbols will disappear.
For high-ohm components or defective capacitors or induc-
tors or in case of overload (".OL") and for capacitor values
below 50 digits, there will be no acoustic signal / no com-
parison to pre-set limits.
The second function of this button is the number "8".
D12 "TOL" button
When you press this button while measuring a resistor (R) or a capacitor (C) or
an inductor (L), you will reach the so-called tolerance mode. You can carry out
a tolerance measurement in two ways:
with pre-set values (under SET D9d) and fixed standards in percent that have
been set (1%, 5%, 10%, 20%)
or without fixed %-values (high/low comparison).
D12 a) Measuring tolerances without upper/lower limits with fixed %-values.
During the measurement, press the "TOL" button. The "AUTO" sym-
bol for the automatic range selection will disappear. Instead, the
"TOL" symbol will be displayed above the main display, and shortly
also the pre-set value (under SET D9d), the current measured value
will appear. In the small display, the difference to the pre-set value in
% is displayed.
Example: You have pre-set a value of 30µF. The measuring leads
are connected to a 33µF Elko. When you press the "TOL” button,
you will see the pre-set value "30.00µF" for a short time and then a
measured value of 34.58µF. In the small display you read 15.30%.
This means that the measured capacitor lies 15.3 % above the pre-
set value.
With the "TOL” button you can now recall the pre-set (fixed) tolerance values
one by one: 1% - 5% - 10% - 20% - 1% - ...Press the "TOL” button once, the
When you press the button once again, the difference of MAX minus MIN will
be displayed,
when you press it the next time, the average value AVG will be displayed.
After 2991 average values, the display symbol "AVG" will begin to flash. After
3000 average values the average values will be stopped.
To leave the function, keep the button "MIN MAX” pressed for 2 sec. once
more. The symbol "REC" will disappear, the recording of the measured values
is terminated, the 3000 AVG values are erased, and the MIN and MAX values, too.
The second function of the button is the number "5".
D9 "SET" button
You will need the "SET" button for the sub-functions open calibration, short
circuit calibration, setting Hi / Lo limits, setting a tolerance range (TOL) and
setting the reference value.
Switch the measuring instrument on and press the "SET" button. The main
display will disappear, on its left the flashing arrow symbols "^" and "
" will
appear, the small sub-display will show "SEt" and also the flashing symbol
D9 a)
For the open calibration, press the "SET” button once. In the large
digital display, "OPEn" appears, in the small digital display (sub-dis-
play) "CAL" (for calibration).
Press the "PAL SER" button for confirmation (ENTER).
After a relatively short time, "Out" will be displayed in the small and
"UAL" in the large display. The calibration is out of the limits. IF the
calibration was successful, the measuring instrument would leave the
set mode immediately and return to the normal mode.
D9 b) For the short calibration, short-circuit the measuring leads and press
the "SET" button twice. The large display will show "SHrt", in the small
one, "CAL" will be displayed. Press the "PAL SER" button for confir-
mation (ENTER). After a relatively short time, the frequency display will
change (at the right of the large digital display) from 1 kHz to 120 Hz,
and after a successful calibration, the instrument leaves the set mode.
You can carry out the measurement.
If – instead of the normal mode - "Out" appears in the small display
and "UAL" in the large one, the calibration was not
successful, for
example the measuring leads were open. Shortly afterwards, "CAL"
and "SHrt" will reappear.