Users have to pair a new cell phone or connect an existing paired cell phone manually.
12.5 Bluetooth connect
Case 1: Radio will connect to the latest paired cell phone automatically.
Case 2: If there is not a connected cell phone, short press SK [] button in phone menu. Radio will
display the paired cell phones list; the cursor will focus on the first cell phone and cell phones names must be scrolled
if name length is too large.
Rotate right [] knob to select the phone to be connected, short press right arrow button or right knob may
select the phone focused on by the cursor (small filled triangle). Radio will display a slide bar if there are more than 4
Rotate the left knob may decrease/increase radio volume level, radio display remains without change (cell phone list),
display will not show the volume bar.
15 seconds no action, short press left arrow button or long press right knob will exit the paired cell phone list and
return to phone menu.
If cell phone connects to radio, radio will display cell phone name at center line and BT icon at left side of the upper
line and the indication “CONNECTED” per 2 sec; 5 sec timeout, radio will exit the BT menu display and reverts to
LSM. The current audio output must remain without change. The phonebook is updated each time that Bluetooth
connection is done. The BT icon must remain visible in all menus to show that one cell phone is connected to radio.
Case 3: BT menu, 5 cell phones paired with radio, and radio has been connected to cell phone “SAMSUNG E628”.
Short press SK [] button in phone menu. Radio will display the 5 paired cell phones and highlight the
current paired cell phone (SAMSUNG E628), the cursor will focus on the current connected cell phone and cell
phones names must be scrolled if name length is too large.
Prepared by Hector Gomez
HMI/ VWM DTEE / 52-222-2307414
DOC_HMI RADIO 2 DIN MIB-G LAM X1.8 revisada / 13/05/2011
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