After Kl.15 is switched ON (enable Kl.15) radio display will display “CONNECTED” per 2 sec, then change to normal
Short press HK [] button will enter phone menu; 5 sec timeout, radio will exit the BT menu display and
reverts to LSM. The current audio output must remain without change.
12.16 Bluetooth Disconnected
Cell phone located far from radio or users turn OFF cell phone Bluetooth function, radio will display
Kl.15 is ON, radio is in FM mode, and cell phone has been connected to radio.
Prepared by Hector Gomez
HMI/ VWM DTEE / 52-222-2307414
DOC_HMI RADIO 2 DIN MIB-G LAM X1.8 revisada / 13/05/2011
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