If none station is found, radio will display “NO STATION" per 2 seconds and then returns to the frequency where the
searching started. In this case all memory presets remain as default defined.
If less than 6 stations are found via auto store, for example only 4 stations are found and stored to the soft keys 1~4
in the AS bands, the other soft keys 5 and 6 will be displayed as “- - -“ in the AS Bands.
If there are more than 6 stations active found, the radio must select the 6 best stations, they will be memorized from
frequency low to high, after all frequency in current wave band is covered once, auto store will be implemented and
play preset 1 in FM AS or AM AS band.
5.3 Initial Autostore
Long press more than 10 sec HK [FM] or [AM] button, radio will output’s beep sound and will scan FM band,
updates best FM station into all FM presets memories. Then scan AM band and updates strongest AM stations into
AM preset memories. Display will show “INITIAL AUTOSTORE” during the process. The stations will store in the soft
key buttons 1 to 6 since lower to higher frequency.
Function is repeatable for any number of times.
All presets have to be prepared with real stations.
Only as many memory locations as existing stations are filled starting with position 1.
If more than 6 FM and 6 AM stations are available, the 6 best/strongest stations have to be memorized in the FM AS
and AM AS bands respectively.
If the amount of existing stations is less then available presets, these stations would be copied in AM, FM1 and FM2.
In AM AS, FM AS band, these free stations are marked with “- - -“
Result 1 (example for an area with only 5 FM- and 3 AM-stations)
FM1: .................................. P1=f1, P2=f2, P3=f3, P4=f4, P5=f5, P6=f1.
FM2: .................................. P1=f1, P2=f2, P3=f3, P4=f4, P5=f5, P6=f1
FM AS: .............................. P1=f1, P2=f2, P3=f3, P4=f4, P5=f5, P6= - - -
AM:.................................... P1=f1, P2=f2, P3=f3, P4=f1, P2=f2, P6=f3
Prepared by Hector Gomez
HMI/ VWM DTEE / 52-222-2307414
DOC_HMI RADIO 2 DIN MIB-G LAM X1.8 revisada / 13/05/2011
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