10. BT AUDIO Operation
10.1 BT AUDIO Mode Select
Select BT AUDIO mode is same as 7. Media operation
10.2 BT AUDIO operation
If there is a BT AUDIO connection, radio will display “BT AUDIO”. In case of cell phones with AVRCP 1.3 or higher,
radio display will show Metadata information on the track itself (artist, track name, etc.). The title or artist name must
be scrolled if name length is too large
The functions allowed in this mode are volume up/down, track up/down and pause with same performance as USB
mode. In case to reconnect BT audio, the radio must remember the track and time when was disconnected (track
Prepared by Hector Gomez
HMI/ VWM DTEE / 52-222-2307414
DOC_HMI RADIO 2 DIN MIB-G LAM X1.8 revisada / 13/05/2011
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