7.5 Examples
7.5.1 Writing a Parameter Value
Change par. 4-14
Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] to 100 Hz.
Write the data in EEPROM.
PKE = E19E Hex - Write single word in par. 4-14
Motor Speed High Limit
IND = 0000 Hex
PWEHIGH = 0000 Hex
PWELOW = 03E8 Hex - Data value 1000, corresponding to 100 Hz, see
The telegram will look like this:
Note: par. 4-14
Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] is a single word, and the
parameter command for write in EEPROM is “E”. Parameter number 4-14
is 19E in hexadecimal.
The response from the slave to the master will be:
7.5.2 Reading a Parameter Value
Read the value in par. 3-41
Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time
PKE = 1155 Hex - Read parameter value in par. 3-41
Ramp 1 Ramp Up
IND = 0000 Hex
PWEHIGH = 0000 Hex
PWELOW = 0000 Hex
If the value in par. 3-41
Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time is 10 s, the response from
the slave to the master will be:
3E8 Hex corresponds to 1000 decimal. The conversion index for par. 3-41
Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time is -2, i.e. 0.01.
Par. 3-41 is of the type
Unsigned 32.
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7 RS-485 Installation and Set-up
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