7.3 Network Configuration
7.3.1 VLT Automation VT Drive Frequency Converter Set-up
Set the following parameters to enable the FC protocol for the VLT Au-
tomation VT Drive.
Parameter Number
Parameter name
1 - 126
Baud Rate
2400 - 115200
Parity/Stop bits
Even parity, 1 stop bit (default)
7.4 FC Protocol Message Framing Structure
7.4.1 Content of a Character (byte)
Each character transferred begins with a start bit. Then 8 data bits are transferred, corresponding to a byte. Each character is secured via a parity bit,
which is set at "1" when it reaches parity (i.e. when there is an equal number of 1’s in the 8 data bits and the parity bit in total). A character is completed
by a stop bit, thus consisting of 11 bits in all.
7.4.2 Telegram Structure
Each telegram begins with a start character (STX)=02 Hex, followed by a byte denoting the telegram length (LGE) and a byte denoting the frequency
converter address (ADR). A number of data bytes (variable, depending on the type of telegram) follows. The telegram is completed by a data control
byte (BCC).
7.4.3 Telegram Length (LGE)
The telegram length is the number of data bytes plus the address byte ADR and the data control byte BCC.
The length of telegrams with 4 data bytes is
LGE = 4 + 1 + 1 = 6 bytes
The length of telegrams with 12 data bytes is
LGE = 12 + 1 + 1 = 14 bytes
The length of telegrams containing texts is
+n bytes
Automation VT Drive FC322 Design Guide
7 RS-485 Installation and Set-up
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