5.8 Installation of Misc. Connections
5.9.1 RS 485 Bus Connection
One or more frequency converters can be connected to a control (or
master) using the RS485 standardized interface. Terminal 68 is connec-
ted to the P signal (TX+, RX+), while terminal 69 is connected to the N
signal (TX-,RX-).
If more than one frequency converter is connected to a master, use par-
allel connections.
In order to avoid potential equalizing currents in the screen, earth the cable screen via terminal 61, which is connected to the frame via an RC-link.
Bus termination
The RS485 bus must be terminated by a resistor network at both ends. For this purpose, set switch S801 on the control card for "ON".
For more information, see the paragraph
Switches S201, S202, and S801.
Communication protocol must be set to FC MC 8-30
5.9.2 How to Connect a PC to the VLT Automation VT Drive
To control or program the frequency converter from a PC, install the MCT 10 Set-up Software.
The PC is connected via a standard (host/device) USB cable, or via the RS-485 interface as shown in the
VLT Automation VT Drive Design Guide
How to Install > Installation of misc. connections.
The USB connection is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals. The USB connection is
connected to protection earth on the frequency converter. Use only isolated laptop as PC connection to the USB connector on the VLT
Automation VT Drive.
Automation VT Drive FC322 Design Guide
5 How to Install
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