Motor voltage 0-100% of mains voltage
3 wires out of motor
6 wires out of motor, Delta-connected
6 wires out of motor, Star-connected
U2, V2, W2 to be interconnected separately
Earth connection
5.3.5 Motor Cables
See section
General Specifications for correct dimensioning of motor cable cross-section and length.
Use a screened/armoured motor cable to comply with EMC emission specifications.
Keep the motor cable as short as possible to reduce the noise level and leakage currents.
Connect the motor cable screen to both the de-coupling plate of the frequency converter and to the metal cabinet of the motor.
Make the screen connections with the largest possible surface area (cable clamp). This is done by using the supplied installation devices in the
frequency converter.
Avoid mounting with twisted screen ends (pigtails), which will spoil high frequency screening effects.
If it is necessary to split the screen to install a motor isolator or motor relay, the screen must be continued with the lowest possible HF impedance.
F frame Requirements
F1/F3 requirements:
Motor phase cable quantities must be 2, 4, 6, or 8 (multiples of 2, 1 cable is not allowed) to obtain equal amount of wires attached
to both inverter module terminals. The cables are required to be equal length within 10% between the inverter module terminals and the first common
point of a phase. The recommended common point is the motor terminals.
F2/F4 requirements:
Motor phase cable quantities must be 3, 6, 9, or 12 (multiples of 3, 2 cables are not allowed) to obtain equal amount of wires
attached to each inverter module terminal. The wires are required to be equal length within 10% between the inverter module terminals and the first
common point of a phase. The recommended common point is the motor terminals.
Output junction box requirements:
The length, minimum 2.5 meters, and quantity of cables must be equal from each inverter module to the common
terminal in the junction box.
5.3.6 Electrical Installation of Motor Cables
Screening of cables
Avoid installation with twisted screen ends (pigtails). They spoil the screening effect at higher frequencies.
If it is necessary to break the screen to install a motor isolator or motor contactor, the screen must be continued at the lowest possible HF impedance.
Cable length and cross-section
The frequency converter has been tested with a given length of cable and a given cross-section of that cable. If the cross-section is increased, the cable
capacitance - and thus the leakage current - may increase, and the cable length must be reduced correspondingly.
Switching frequency
When frequency converters are used together with Sine-wave filters to reduce the acoustic noise from a motor, the switching frequency must be set
according to the Sine-wave filter instruction in par. 14-01
Switching Frequency.
Aluminium conductors
Aluminium conductors are not recommended. Terminals can accept aluminium conductors but the conductor surface has to be clean and the oxidation
must be removed and sealed by neutral acid free Vaseline grease before the conductor is connected.
5 How to Install
Automation VT Drive FC322 Design Guide
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