It is possible to program from 0 to 20
events and actions. When the last
event / action has been executed, the sequence starts over again from
event [1] / action [1]. The illustration shows an example with three
events / actions:
6.1.5 Smart Logic Control Programming
New useful facility in VLT Automation VT Drive is the Smart Logic Control (SLC).
In applications where a PLC is generating a simple sequence the SLC may take over elementary tasks from the main control.
SLC is designed to act from event send to or generated in the VLT Automation VT Drive. The frequency converter will then perform the pre-programmed
6.1.6 SLC Application Example
One sequence 1:
Start – ramp up – run at reference speed 2 sec – ramp down and hold shaft until stop.
Set the ramping times in par. 3-41
Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time and par. 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time to the wanted times
tramp =
tacc × nnorm (par. 1
ref RPM
Set term 27 to
No Operation (par. 5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input)
Automation VT Drive FC322 Design Guide
6 Application Examples
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