7.1.2 Determine if USB is Enabled on your PC
The physical presence of a USB port is not necessarily a guarantee that it has been
enabled or that it is functional. You must have the proper Windows version and your
system BIOS must be set so that USB is enabled.
From the Win95/98 Task Bar click on Start, Settings, Control Panel. Double-Click on
the System icon to bring up the Systems Properties dialog box. Then click on the
Device Manager tab.
Towards the bottom of the device list
there must be a USB controller. Click
on the “+” to expand upon the USB
controller definition to ensure the
USB controller and root hub are
If your USB setup looks complete,
proceed to install the USB camera
driver. If these USB components are
not present, please consult your
system manufacturer. Check to see
that USB is enabled in your BIOS.
(Take notice if there are any Red “
” or yellow exclamation “
” marks in this area.
These are indications of port problems. Please consult your system manufacturer or
PC technician for assistance.)
7.1.3 Connect the USB cable
Plug the included USB cable into a USB port on the back of your PC. USB ports are
located at the back of your desktop PC. Notebook computers may have a USB port
on the side. If there are two ports, either one should work.
Make sure the V2800 is turned OFF.
After connecting the USB cable to your
PC connect the other end to the USB port
on your ViviCam 2800. Plug into the
distinctive “D” shaped port labelled
“USB”. This is the top port.