Compact Flash Reader -
A simple by-pass to all of the above is a compact flash (CF) card reader. These are
small peripheral devices that connect to your PC by either the parallel port, or USB
port. Available, but less common, are internal CF-readers mounted inside your PC
next to your floppy drive or on a circuit card. CF Readers are available at a
reasonable cost from numerous third-part vendors. Once installed they offer a simple
and universal solution, allowing you to read images and data directly from any CF
card. These readers will allow you to read any card, from any camera - not just the
V2800. They are very universal and easy to use. If you have a CF reader you do not
need to install any V2800 drivers in order to read the V2800 images from a CF card.
6.2 Serial/Twain Connectivity
There are three steps to making a serial/Twain connection to your PC.
You must establish a physical connection - connect the serial data cable
Install the Twain driver software
Install a Twain-compliant application software
6.2.1 Physical Connection (Serial)
Plug the included serial-data cable into an available 9-pin COM port on the back of
your PC. COM (Serial) ports are located at the back of your desktop PC or notebook.
Look for a connector that is D-shaped, with two rows of (male) pins, with a total of
nine pins. Most desktop computers have two COM ports, whereas notebook
computers usually have just one COM connector. While most desktops have two
serial ports, many times your mouse, or possibly an external modem will occupy one
of them. It is further possible that your desktop computer may have one 9-pin male
serial connector, and one 25-pin male serial connector. If this is the case, you may
purchase a 25F to 9M at a local electronics or computer store in order to use the 25-
: Do not purchase a “null modem” to use as a 25 to 9 adapter.
After connecting the cable to your PC connect the other end to the data port on your
ViviCam 2800, and connect the molded stereo mini-jack plug into the camera. Plug it
into the port marked “digital”. This is the second port from the bottom. It should
have a black collar around the hole.