Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Congratulations on purchasing the ViviCam 2800 (V2800) Digital Still Camera. This
camera brings to you the ease-of-use of a traditional camera, combined with high-tech
functionality. It includes a full-color image LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) for image
previewing which allows you to immediately see the images you have just taken. It
also includes a built-in multi-mode flash with an auto-flash sensor, which
automatically detects whether the flash should be engaged or not. The V2800 uses
Compact Flash memory for storing your images. You may use additional Compact
Flash memory cards for storing additional images as if they were “digital film”
Once you have finished taking your images, you may view them on a TV/monitor, or
you may uploaded them to your personal computer. From there, you can use the
included image editing software to enhance your images before you print, email them,
or post them to a web page.
1.2 Features and Highlights of the V2800
The V2800 is designed to be easy to use; yet it has many powerful features and
functions. Some of the V2800 features include:
Portability and ease of use
- just like a film camera.
1.8” Color Image LCD display
- for image preview and playback.
Information LCD
– allowing you to adjust basic camera functions quickly and
easily without the need to turn on the image LCD.
Four Mode Flash
- Auto, On, Off, and Redeye modes.
High-Quality Glass Lens
- with AutoFocus and macro functions.
Digital Zoom
– providing a 2:1 zoom function.
Compact Flash memory
- the standard for digital film.
USB Communication
– advanced high-speed connectivity to your PC.
Twain Driver
– for serial data communications to your PC.
Video Output
– for image playback or live preview on a TV/monitor or NTSC
video display system.
Standard JPG image file format
– images are stored in the universally accepted
JPG image format.
Image Editing software
– allowing you to transfer and edit images on your PC.
Audio Record Function
– allowing you to record voice (audio) while you
capture an image, or attach voice to an image on the CF card anytime after it has
been captured.
Burst Capture Mode
– allowing you to capture nine images in a sequence.
Two image capture resolutions
— allowing you to capture images in either
high-resolution (Large -1024 x 768), or VGA resolution (Small - 640 x 480).
(This is useful in circumstance where a lower resolution image is more
appropriate to your needs, such as a web shot)