1.7 System Requirements:
Digital cameras are PC-centric devices. As such, system requirements become a
significant usage issue. The V2800 is a very feature-rich camera that allows you to
connect to your PC in several ways. As such, the PC system requirements vary
depending upon what you wish to do and how you wish to connect your camera to
your PC. The system requirements are driven by your method of connecting to your
General System Requirements for all users:
486/66 MHz, or higher processor, with 16 MB RAM.
Windows 95, Windows 98
CD-ROM drive to load drivers and application software
Floppy disk driver to load Twain and USB drivers (if not included on CD-ROM)
2 MB hard drive space for Twain and USB drivers
Display monitor and video adapter supporting at least 256 colors at VGA (640 x
480) resolution.
Note: If your display is set at 256 colors, your digital camera images will appear dull, colorless,
and “posterized.” For best visual appearance set your display to 800 x 600 resolution. 16 bit
(High Color) or 24 bit (True Color) is recommended.
Additional Requirements to connect to your PC using a serial connection:
An available 9-pin serial port, correctly configured and operational. A 25 pin
serial port can be accessed using a 25 pin to 9 pin (25F to 9M) adapter. Do not
use a null modem adapter.
Additional Requirements to connect to your PC using a USB connection:
A USB port, properly configured and operational.
Windows 95 version OSR2 with USB Supplement (OSR2.1), or
Windows 98.
Additional Requirements to connect to your PC using a CF reader:
Parallel port CF readers will require a parallel port (which they usually can share
with a printer, or other parallel port peripheral). Consult with your CF reader
manufacturer for additional details. Parallel port CF readers are available to work
with Windows 95/98, NT 4.0, and even Windows 3.x
USB CF readers will have requirements as specified by their manufacturers.
Note: If you have a properly configured USB port on a Windows 95/98 machine, there is little
advantage using a USB CF reader over simply using the camera itself. The V2800 is a “storage-class”
USB device which means that when you connect the V2800 to your PC via USB, the camera appears as
a hard drive, just as does the CF reader.