© 2020 Vital Systems, Inc
Torch On Height: Position the Z axis will be at when the plasma is told to fire (turn on); used in M3.
Pierce Height: Position the Z axis will be at when a pierce begins; used in M3.
THC On Delay(ms): Time in milliseconds the THC waits to start controlling height; used in M3.
*2000 = 2 Seconds
Pierce Delay: Time in milliseconds allowed to complete piercing material; used in M3.
*This value can be found in user manuals for Plasma units.
Max: Maximum height THC will move the torch up to while trying to get to the target voltage.
Cut Height: Optimal position to run THC at; used in M3.
*This value can be found in user manuals for plasma units
Min: Minimum height THC will move the torch down to while trying to get to the target voltage.
There are many variables involved in plasma Configuration, most of which have been create directly in
the screen for immediate use.