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Recommendations and instructions are based on clinical trails performed at:
Moscow I.M.Sechenov Medical Academy;
Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute;
St-Petersburg I.I.Mechnikov Medical Academy;
St-Petersburg S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy;
St-Petersburg D.O.Ott Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology;
St-Petersburg G.I.Turner Russian Research Institute of Pediatric Orthopedia;
St-Petersburg Municipal Children hospital No.1 and other institutions.
The following specialists were involved in the work:
O.I. Efanov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician, Head of Physical
Therapy Department, N.Semashko Medical and Sanitary Institute, Moscow;
A.G. Gluharev, Senior Lecturer at the Urology Department at the S.M.Kirov Military
Medical Academy in St.-Petersburg, Candidate of Medical Sciences;
A.G. Panin, Head of the Urology Course and Clinic at the I.I.Mechnikov Medical
Academy, St.-Petersburg;
I.E. Detlavs, Head of the Biopysics laboratory at the Traumatology Institute, Riga,
Doctor of Medical Sciences;
A.I. Kurtov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Docent at the S.M.Kirov Military Medical
Academy in St.-Petersburg;
A.G. Baindurashvili, Doctor of Medical Sciences, member of SICOT (Société
Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie), Professor of the
St.-Petersburg Academy of Post-Diploma Education;
P.A. Novoselsky, Head of the Cardiac Intensive Care Department at the Regional
Hospital, Vladimir;
V.A. Fedorov, Chief Designer, NPF “MicroEPM”, St.-Petersburg.
Before using VITAFON-T you should consult with your doctor about your
diagnosis, indications and contraindications.
VITAFON-T should not be applied in the following cases:
in body areas of oncologic pathology;
in pregnancy;
in body areas affected by thrombophlebitis;
in body areas of evident atherosclerosis;
in acute infectious diseases;
in high temperature;
in the vicinity of implanted pacemakers.
It is forbidden to apply vibrophones right at the heart area for no treatment schemes
exists by now.