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LGR User Guide and Technical Manual
LGR IFB Settings
The IFB setup for the LGR include the channel being listened to and the IFB call state
fi elds, as shown in the sample Web page above.
Local Channel Setup
Select Channel
Select an open Channel from which the LGR will receive the IFB signal. The channels
dedicated to IFB reception range from 1 to 6. These channels represent ports 5061 to
5066. Be aware of this when performing any port-forwarding through fi rewalls.
IFB Call
FB Call Connections
When you click
, the IFB feed will be activated on the channel that you have
selected from the IP address indicated. Click
to terminate the IFB session.
The IFB call is initiated at the AirStream transmitter. Refer to the
AirStream User
Guide and Technical Manual
for more information concerning the use of this feature.