Hydrosense ID Addressable Water Detection System
Document Part No. 3500039 Issue:01
Page | 26 of 32
16.3. Outputs
Control of Outputs uses the same philosophy as
that described for Inputs, i.e. all outputs are
treated the same, whether they are loop
controlled relays, panel sounder outputs, panel
programmable relays, remote I/O board outputs
or the panel mounted programmable LED
Any output can be given a set of attributes, which
defines how the output will respond to input
Although this may appear to be nonsense in some
cases, this approach does provide simplicity of
understanding and a versatility and flexibility that
would not exist if there were a different set of
rules for each output.
There are default attributes for all types of output,
which are factory set and will not change unless
re-configured. This ensures that panel sounder
outputs will respond to Water Leak conditions
unless the configuration for these outputs is
deliberately changed.
NOTE – When configuring system outputs, care
should be taken to ensure that the output
operation conforms to the local regulation
The editable attributes are as shown in this screen
capture from the Loop Explorer PC (LE2)
configuration utility.
The following describes how each of these
attributes affects the operation of the output.
16.3.1. Sound Alarm Output
A Sound Alarm Output will turn on continuously when any sound alarm input is operated. This normally applies to
sounders and would normally be accompanied by the “Def. Ring Mode” and “Silenceable” attributes.
Note: Any output on the Hydrosense ID System is treated as a sounder if the “Silenceable” and
“Sound Alarm” Output attributes are selected. If any of these outputs are faulty or disabled, the
“Sounder Fault/Disabled” indicator will illuminate. These outputs would also be disabled by the
“Disable all sounders” menu option.
16.3.2. Def Ring Mode.
Normally applicable to sounders, “Def. Ring Mode” will turn the output on, upon a Water Leak condition as
defined by the global default ring mode set on the Panel Settings page of the Loop Explorer PC (LE2)
configuration utility or as set via the Edit Configuration menus on the panel.
There are three options for Def. Ring Mode:-
Common Alarm - All outputs operate continuously regardless of which zone they are in.
Zoned Alarm - Outputs in the same zone as the input, which caused the alarm, will operate continuously.
2 Stage Alarm - Outputs that are in the same zone as the input which caused the alarm will operate
continuously whilst outputs in all other zones will pulse 1 second on - 1 second off.
The factory default setting for the panel Default Ring Mode is Common Alarm. This normally applies to sounders
and would normally be accompanied by the “Sound Alarm” and “Silenceable” attributes.
Note: When controlling outputs using Cause & Effects the Def. ring mode should be de-selected to
ensure that the output is only controlled by the Cause and Effect logic.