Hydrosense ID Addressable Water Detection System
Document Part No. 3500039 Issue:01
Page | 17 of 32
11. Panel Sounder Circuits
Two conventional sounder circuits are provided in the panel, each fused at 1 Amp. A 10K
end of line resistor
monitors the circuits for open and short circuit faults.
Both circuits are configured to activate upon any Leak Detection condition and to de-activate when the “Silence
Alarm/ Acknowledge” button is pressed on the front panel or a “Silence input” is operated. Each sounder circuit
can be configured independently via the Loop Explorer PC (LE2) configuration utility or the front panel
pushbuttons (at Access Level 3).
This allows sounder circuits to be operated by different methods such as Zonal Alarm or via Cause & Effects.
11.1. Stage one and stage two delays
The sounder circuits can have a single or two-stage delay if required. The first stage of delay allows up to 5
minutes for the alarm to be acknowledged.
If the alarm is not acknowledged before the first stage delay expires, then the sounders will operate.
If the alarm is acknowledged during the first stage delay, the second stage delay (again up to 5 minutes) will
If the alarm is acknowledged during the first stage delay and the second stage delay is zero then the sounders
will not operate.
If the alarm is acknowledged during the second stage delay, the second stage delay (up to 5 minutes) will start
and the sounders will operate at the end of the delay unless the panel is reset.
Activation of two or more devices producing a Water Leak action, an input configured to override output delays,
will override the delays and operate the sounders immediately.
12. Relays
Volt free changeover relay contacts rated at 30 VDC at 1 Amp are provided for ancillary switching functions in all
Under no circumstances should voltage or current outside of this limit be used with these contacts.
The default actions of these contacts as supplied from the factory are as described below: -
Activates on any Leak Detection condition and remains active until panel is reset
Activates on any fault or on total loss of power and clears when faults are cleared
Activates on any alarm, de-activates when alarm silenced / acknowledged
Each volt free changeover contact can be reconfigured independently for other actions via the PC configuration
program or the front panel pushbuttons (at Access Level 3).
13. Remote Control Inputs
Five inputs are provided in the panel, which have default actions as described in the table below:
Operates outputs configured to operate on fault condition.
Resets the control panel
Operates all sounder outputs intermittently
Operates all sounder outputs continuously
Acknowledges the alarm (silences all sounders)
NOTE: The RES / INT / CNT / SIL inputs should only be available at Access Level 2. Care must be taken to ensure
these inputs cannot be operated without some form of access control.