9.2 Acquisition of art. 01727.1 and 01728
Below is the general procedure for the acquisition of the detector 01727.1 (the procedure is similar for
detectors 01728 since the push buttons to press have the same wording).
Before acquiring the device, you need to set all its parameters as described in the respective
instruction sheets (see instruction sheet for art. 01727.1 and for art. 01728 for all the configurations of the
devices themselves).
- Set up the radio interface for the acquisition of the device (as specified in points a. and b. of paragraph
- Power the Device.
- Press and hold down the
push button.
- Press and release the
push button.
- Release the
push button after the LEDs on the device have lit up in sequence. If the detector has
been programmed to use the IN input on separate radio channels, go directly to the procedure described
in para. 9.2.1 (for art. 01727.1) and in para. 9.2.2 (for art. 01728).
- If the detector has been programmed to use a single radio channel (REED + IN on the same channel for
art. 01727.1), press and release the
push button to confirm the acquisition of the device and
the three LEDs will light up permanently for approximately 2 s. If they flash, this means there has been an
acquisition error; in this case the procedure needs to be repeated.
9.2.1 Detector art. 01727.1
If the detector 01727 has been configured for use with the IN input on separate channels, follow
the procedure below:
- Press the
push button to select the channel to save as shown by the LEDs lighting.
LEDs off = Channel 1
Yellow LED lit = Channel 2
Green LED lit = Channel 3
- Press the
push button to confirm your selection.
Operations on radio frequency detectors