6. OSD Menu
6.1. OSD Display of Main Screen
P/T/Z Information
Current Pan/Tilt angle in degrees, zoom magnification and a compass direction.
Camera ID
Current Camera ID (Address).
Action Title
Following are possible Action Titles and their meaning.
When Preset xxx is stored
When camera reach to Preset xxx
When Pattern x is in action
"SWGx /PRESET xxx"
When Swing x is in action
When undefined function is called to run
Preset Label
The label stored for a specific Preset.
Alarm Information
This information shows the current state of a sensor input and relay output. If the Input and
output points are “ON”, it will show a number corresponding to each point.
When they are “OFF”, '-' will be displayed.
Ex) If input points 2 & 3 and output point 1 are ON, OSD will show as below:
Doc # INS-20/21Z704T-PZ30
Issue Date: 07/28/2008
Revision: A
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