background image

Close the cover again and check the monitor image.

If the camera is now correctly 

positioned, open the

cover and tighten the fasteners on the camera mount
assembly. If the position is not correct, repeat steps

6 through 8 

until it is.



the camera 

 been moved as close to

the window as possible and an excessive amount  of
the window border or the inside  of the housing is still
visible, it 

 be necessary to install a lens with a

narrower angle  of view on  the camera. (A narrower
angle  of view is  indicated by a larger focal length
number. For instance, a lens with a 


length has 

narrower angle  of view 


lens, and the 

 lens has a narrower angle  of

view than a 




 hardware for tightness, then close and

lock the cover.



 unit requires no maintenance other than

water. Do not use abrasive cleaners, which will scratch

occasional cleaning of the 

 window. The window

the window surface. Do not use any solvent-type

should be cleaned using a soft cloth and plain soap and

cleaners. Never wipe the window when it is dry.

3.1 Shipping Instructions

Use the following procedure when returning a unit to

the factory:

1 .

 or write Vicon for a Return Authorization

 at one of the locations listed below. Re-

cord the name of the Vicon employee who issued
the R.A.




Broad Hollow Rd.

Melville, NY 11747




Western Regional Office

3259 Walnut Ave.

Long Beach, CA 90807

3105954280 l-800-648-1832



Southeastern Regional Office

3010 Business Park Dr., Suite B

 ‘GA 30071






 rights reserved.

2. Attach a sheet of paper to the unit with the

following information:

a .

Name and address of the company 

b .

Name of the Vicon employee who issued the

c. R.A. number

d .

Brief description of the installation

e .

Complete description of the problem and
circumstances under which it occurs

f .

Unit’s original date of purchase, if still under

3 .

Pack the unit carefully. Use the original shipping

carton or its equivalent for maximum protection.

4 .

Mark the R.A. number on the outside of the carton

on the shipping label.

Viin and   

 are registered trademarks of Vii 


