XX017-01-00 Rev 702 V1400X-IDL Intelligent Distribution Line Control
1. Fabricate the RS-422 protocol cable as
described above. It is recommended to label
both cable ends.
2. Connect the Master Keypad end (open
wires) of the cable to the Screw Terminal
Block (J1) on the Keypad, as shown in
Figure 5.
3. Press the 6-position Terminal Block end of
the cable into the STAT 1/J1 connector.
4. (Optional) Connect Slave Keypads as
described in Vicon Installation and Operation
Manual X777.
5. Connect additional cables to consecutive
Station connectors (2, 3, 4, etc.).
NOTE: All unused station (STAT) port Terminal
Blocks are terminated with an end-of-line jumper.
Remove this small wire between the Response
In - signal (Pin 5) and Ground (Pin 4) when using
the port.
Figure 5
STAT 1 (J1) - STAT 10 (J10) Pin Definition for
V1300X-DVC/RVC Cable