AA-800 / AA-800T rev.03
These parameters are used to establish communications over the tele-
phone network when the dialout sequence is used.
3.2.1 Busy Line Tries
The number of times a phone number is called when the line is busy. This
parameter applies equally to all the phone numbers in the dialout sequence. The value
ranges from 0 to 3 tries. The default is 1 try. When a line is busy and Busy Line Tries
is greater than zero, the busy number is placed at the end of the dialout sequence.
Once all the other numbers have been dialed, the system returns to the busy numbers
and tries again, etc. If the number is reached before all the tries defined in Busy Line
Tries have been done, it is not redialed.
If you have not configured the phone hookup to provide line seizure capability
and someone is using the phone when the dialout sequence is launched, the system
counts this as a try, as if all the phone numbers in the dialout sequence were busy. If
the Busy Line Tries parameter is set to zero, no other tries will be made in this case
and the alarms that set off the dialout sequence will automatically be acknowledged.
3.2.2 Message Repetitions
The number of times a voice message is delivered by the system when an
alarm condition is reported. This applies to the messages given over the phone and on
the unit speaker. The value ranges from 2 to 15 times. The default is 3.
3.2.3 Call Start Delay
The time between the validation of an alarm and the beginning of the
dialout sequence. A zero value means the dialout sequence begins immediately after
an alarm validation. When an alarm is validated, a message is delivered on-site
through the speaker on the front panel and the siren is sounded if it is enabled for the
zone in alarm. Call Start Delay allows someone on-site to acknowledge an alarm
before the dialout sequence is launched. Note that if MUTE is enabled, no message is
delivered on-site before dialout. The value ranges from 0 to 59 minutes. The default
is 1 minute.
3.2.4 Time Between Calls
The delay after a phone number has been called, before proceeding with
the next number in the dialout sequence. If someone who has received a voice mes-
sage is unable to acknowledge the alarm at the time of the call, this delay will allow
time to stop the dialout sequence between calls. If the system is continuously dialing