AA-800 / AA-800T rev.03
These zones are armed or disarmed as a group using a password. Two types of con-
figurations are possible depending on when alarms are to be declared. In an instant
burglar zone, alarms are declared as soon as they are detected. In a delay burglar
zone, alarms are declared only after an
Entry Delay
has elapsed. In this way, the
authorized user has time to disarm the burglar zones before an alarm is declared. This
delay is common to all delay burglar zones. Similarly, all zones are armed after the
Exit Delay
has elapsed. The key sequence for arming or disarming is as follows:
followed by the password sequence
When the system is armed, the system starts beeping and the screen immediately
displays a countdown of the exit delay (in minutes and seconds). The keypad is
locked at this point: the only key sequence allowed is the disarming sequence. After
the exit delay has elapsed, the system is armed and alarms are immediately declared
as they are detected for all burglar zones. The system displays the message “BUR-
GLAR ZONES ARMED” periodically on the screen.
When an alarm occurs in a burglar zone with an entry delay, the screen displays a
countdown of the entry delay. During this time, the piezoelectric loudspeaker beeps
(the loudspeaker stops when the key sequence is entered). If no one has disarmed
the system after the entry delay has elapsed, an alarm is declared. Disarming will
affect all currently active burglar zones. The system displays the message “BUR-
GLAR ZONES DISARMED” on the screen.