The 845G MAINBOARD Series
Page 47
It is important that you only use a 1.5 volt AGP Card on an Intel
845 main-
board. If there is a connection from Pin 2 of the AGP card to the ground point
of the card then it is a 1.5 volt card. There are two methods to determine if
there is a connection or not. The first method is a physical check and the sec-
ond method is a simple measurement between Pin 2 (on Side A) and any
ground point on the card. The second method is the recommended method but
both methods SHOULD suffice.
Appendix A
Method 2: Measurement
The second method of checking whether an AGP card is 1.5 volt or 3.3 volt is
by taking a simple measurement with a Ohmmeter. Connect one pin of the
Ohmmeter to Pin 2 on the Solder Side (or Side A) of the card and the other
end of the Ohmmeter to any ground point on the AGP card. If no measure-
ment is seen then it implies there is no connection and the it is a 3.3 volt
card. If there is a small reading (which should be close to 0 ohms) then there
is a connection between Pin 2 and the ground point of the card and it is there-
fore a 1.5 volt AGP card.
The picture on the left shows a
second measurement on a differ-
ent AGP Card. There is no read-
ing on the Ohmmeter. This
means that there is no connec-
tion between Pin 2 and the
ground point on the AGP card.
The AGP card is therefore a 3.3
volt AGP Card and cannot be
used on Intel
845G mainboards.
The picture on the right shows
how to take the measurement on
Pin 2. The reading on the Ohm-
meter is nearly zero. This means
that there is a connection be-
tween Pin 2 and the ground
point AGP card. The AGP card is
therefore a 1.5 volt AGP Card
and can be used on Intel