WDV See-thru Gas Fireplace
will automatically adjust the flame height according to the
difference between the Set temperature and the Room
temperature. There is no manual flame height adjustment.
The fan speed will also automatically adjust if turned on.
there will a 10 second delay for the flame adjust
ment when the fireplace is turned on.
1. When Set Temp. is 3° F or higher than Room Temp.,
flame height will be on High.
2. When Set Temp. is 2° F higher than Room Temp.,
flame height will be on Medium.
3. When Set Temp. is 1° F higher than Room Temp.,
flame height will be on Low.
4. When Set Temp. is equal to Room Temp., flame height
does not change (stays on low).
5. When Set Temp. is lower than Room Temp., the fire
place will be shut off.
6. When Set Temp. is 1° F higher than Room Temp.,
again the flame height will be on Low.
7. the fan speed follows the flame height, if the fan is
turned on.
To exit Smart Mode
thermostat and shut off the fire
a. push and hold the THERMO buttons for 3 sec-
onds, Or
b. press the OFF button, Or
c. slide down on the arrow buttons.
To shut off the Smart Mode
thermostat option and return
to regular thermostat mode, press and hold the THER-
MO button and the ON/UP button
at the same time for 3 seconds
Blower Speed Control
Figure 52
Blower will only work with
flame on.
The blower speed control function
is used to adjust the speed of the
blower connected to the Signature
Command System. There are four
speed levels, Off, Low, Medium,
1. Press the FAN button to enter
the blower speed control mode. The fan icon will start
2. Press the ON/up and OFF/down button to increase/
decrease the blower speed.
3. Press the fan button again to confirm the speed set
ting. If the fireplace is on, the blower speed will take
effect right away; if the fireplace is off, the receiver will
remember this setting and the blower is still off (see
blower On Delay and Off Delay in the next section).
4. After the signal is sent, the ON/up and OFF/down but-
tons become flame height controller again.
5. When the fan button is flashing, slide up and down on
the arrow buttons will turn the blower speed to High
or Off directly without pressing the fan button again to
6. If the blower is turned on using the FAN button, the
blower speed will adjust automatically when using
Smart Mode
thermostat (See
Smart Mode
thermostat sec-
Blower On Delay Time and Off
Delay Time Setup
Figure 53
1. Hold the FAN button for 3 sec-
onds until two numbers appear
on the LCD screen. The left
number is blower On Delay
and the right number is blower
Off Delay Time.
2. When the first number is flash
ing, use the ON/up button to
set the desired On Delay Time
from 0 to 15 min.
3. Press the OFF/down button to jump to the Off Delay
Time setup.
4. When the second number is flashing, use the ON/up
button again to set the desired Off Delay Time from 0
to 15 min.
5. Press the OFF/down button again to finish the setup
and the new settings will be transmitted to the receiv-
6. The default settings are 5
minutes for the On Delay
Time and 8 minutes for the
Off Delay Time, as shown.
Light Brightness Control
Figure 54
The light brightness control func-
tion is used to adjust the bright-
ness of the light bulbs connected
to the AC module on the Signa-
ture Command System. There
are four light brightness levels
defined: Off, Low, Medium, High
1. Press the LIGHT button to en-
ter the light brightness control
mode. The LIGHT icon will start flashing.
2. Press the On/up and OFF/down buttons to increase/
decrease the light brightness (Off-Low-Medium-High).
3. Press the light button again to confirm the setting. The
Light bright control
Figure 54
blower delay setup
Figure 53
blower speed control
Figure 52