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Safety requirements must be understood and followed.
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
For safety, the service personnel or others in close proximity to the product may be required to wear Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE). Various types of PPE are available and must be selected according to the
requirements of the working environment.
Follow the local regulations and requirements of the working environment.
3.1.1 Fall Protection
While personnel are performing inspection or maintenance work at heights, they must follow fall protection
procedures as required by local regulations. Fall prevention practices and fall protection equipment aim to protect
personnel working on or around the equipment from exposure to falls.
If the equipment does not have a service platform or handrail, personnel must use a properly fitted safety harness
that is attached to the dedicated fixing points on the building or equipment in order to prevent falls.
If the product does not have dedicated fixing points for fall protection, it is the owner’s responsibility to make sure
that there are suitable fixing points in the building structure.
If ladders must be used, personnel must practice setting and securing the ladders before using them for actual
A typical fall protection program may include:
Documented and established site policies and procedures.
Conducting site assessments for fall hazards.
Selection of the proper fall protection system and equipment.
Training on fall protection procedures and the proper use of fall protection systems.
Inspection and proper maintenance of fall protection equipment.
Measures to prevent falling objects.
Rescue Plans.
If necessary, contact your supplier or service organization for assistance with designing your fall protection
Fire Safety
In the event of a fire, only attempt to fight it if you can do so without putting yourself in danger. Turn off the power if
it is possible to do so. Evacuate the area. Notify other people about the potential danger, and call for help.
Never use a powder type fire extinguisher on high voltage.