This document and the information contained herein, is the exclusive property of Verlinde S.A.S. and represents a non-public, confidential and proprietary trade secret that
may not be reproduced, disclosed to third parties, altered or otherwise employed in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of Verlinde S.A.S.
Copyright © (2013) Verlinde S.A.S. All rights reserved.
Verify that power is completely disconnected
Measure between the phases and between each phase to ground to ensure that power is
completely disconnected from the product.
Use hand lines for lifting and lowering tools
Hand lines, securely attached to the building structure, should be used for lifting or lowering
materials and tools. Use proper safety equipment to prevent objects from falling when working in
high places.
Safety devices must be restored to operational status
Ensure that any safety devices which have been bypassed for testing purposes have been
restored to full operational status before allowing the product to be used for normal operation.
Minimize the risks of moving machinery
Secure the area so that personnel are not at risk from the movements of machines, automatic
doors, or adjacent cranes at the installation site.
Ensure that machinery and equipment cannot start up accidentally and cannot move during
installation and servicing.
Be prepared in case equipment moves in the wrong direction during testing.
Perform regular inspections and preventive maintenance
To ensure ongoing safe and efficient operation of the product, carry out regular inspections and
preventive maintenance in compliance with the instructions. Keep a record of all inspections and
servicing. If in doubt, contact the supplier of the product.
Beware of high temperature components
Some components of the product, such as the motors, can become very hot during use. Check
that components are cool before working on them.
3.4.1 Lockout - Tagout Procedure
During installation, inspection and maintenance, lockout-tagout procedures must be followed in accordance with
local regulations and the documented site lockout-tagout policy. The owner must ensure that the operators are fully
aware of the applicable lockout - tagout practices.
Lockout-tagout procedures are primarily intended to protect personnel by preventing accidental starting or
exposure to electric shocks. Individual locks and tags are placed on controls to prevent their use until the person
who installed the lock or tag removes it.