V. 02 – 22/05/2012
©Velleman nv
Network Configuration
View/change the network settings of the camera:
When connected to a DHCP router, check the
Obtain IP from DHCP server
checkbox, otherwise uncheck
it and fill in the data manually.
In case of a subnet mismatch, change the IP-address or subnet mask.
When in doubt about the network settings, contact a qualified network administrator.
Upgrade firmware
Only use this option when problems with the current version are noticed. Do not upgrade if the camera works
: when the upgrade process is interrupted or a wrong version is installed the camera might not work
The administrator’s login and password are required.
: default administrator login is
without a password.
Refresh Camera List
Use this option to update the camera list, e.g. when a new camera is added to the network.
Flush ARP Buffer
When both a wireless and wired connection to a camera exists, a problem with the ARP (Address Resolution
Protocol) may arise resulting in the camera not being accessible via the browser. In this case the ARP buffer
should be cleared.
About IP Camera Tool
Shows some extra information about the camera tool.