2 Loading or source exchange
Source loading and exchange • VEGASOURCE 31, 35
Fig. 17: Fasten type label
1 Type label - Source holder
2 Type label - Source
3 Adhesive type label - Source
4 Adhesive label "Radioactive"
5 Terminal screws
A Arrow mark
B Straps must line up
Letter the adhesive type label (48 x 30 mm) and attach it to the
source holder
Letter the type label (107 x 17 mm) and fasten it to the neck of the
source container with two grooved pins
Attach the adhesive label "Radioactive" to the specified position of
the source container (if not already present)
Fasten the square adapters with flange (11) with the four clamping
screws (5). The arrow mark (A) of the source holder (6) is above
the OFF mark of the adapter disc (7)
Tighten the terminal screws (5)
Check if the source container is in position OFF. The arrow mark
(A) of the source holder (6) must be above the OFF mark of the
adapter washer (7)
Attach the complete drive unit from above - when attaching make
sure that the two straps of the adapter disc and the drive unit are
on top of the other (B)
Fasten drive unit with the three fixing screws - drive unit (2)
Fit the padlock (3) and lock, to protect the source capsule against
unauthorized access
Attach new seal (4)
Connect the pneumatic and feeding lines - the pneumatic lines
must be unpressurized. See operating instructions of the source
Remove padlock - Switching function (1)
Mount squared adapters
and drive unit